Use PayPal to Securely Buy Gift Cards!

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Select gift cards from 200+ retailers.

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Use PayPal to Securely Buy Gift Cards!

Buying gift cards with PayPal is easy!

  • Shop Securely Shop Securely

    Gyft is certified with Digicert for all transactions. Plus, PayPal securely stores all your payment information in one place.

  • Instant Delivery Instant Delivery

    Purchase a gift card for yourself or for a friend to be delivered in just a few seconds.

  • Large Selection Large Selection

    We have the biggest selection of retailers to shop from including, Starbuck, GameStop and more.

Who is Gyft?

We are the leading gift card platform where you can easily buy, send and redeem gift cards from any device. Also, use Gyft to keep track of gift card balances and instantly send friends and family gift cards they’ll love.

What is PayPal

What is PayPal

What is PayPal

PayPal is an easy, more secure way to pay from one spot.

Connect your credit/debit cards or bank account to your PayPal account and pay however you want.

How do I set up a PayPal account?

You only need two things to start using PayPal

  1. An email address.
  2. A credit card.

Learn more about PayPal

Start buying gift cards with PayPal

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